Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Online-only videos in digital newspapers

Most of the Flemish digital newspapers and news sites use videos to illustrate the articles and to cover the news. Companies like Zoomin offer the possibility to digital news sites to buy videos and to put them online. Also video platforms like Youtube or GarageTV makes it possible to refer to some footage of a news event. There are also sites that link to videos that are made by television stations. Few of the news sites however make videos on their own, with the specific purpose to use them only for the website. With regard to digital newspapers, GVA started a few months ago with 'news in pictures', but this is more a slideshow of pictures then a real video. Therefore, I'm happy to see that Nieuwsblad.be and De Standaard Online started using online-only videos. Hopefully, this will be a stimulans for other digital newspapers to make videos on their own. After all, all you need is a simple camcorder, some(free) editing software and ten creative minutes.


klayr said...

are you any relation to john opgenhaffen...an old friend i met in amsterdam in the early 80's...trying to track him down...would love to know if i am on the right track. thanks, claire martin

Anonymous said...

wat bedoel je met online-only videos?

+je link werkt niet, een keertje teveel http://!

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